As the Semester Flies

The Lord has confirmed my decision to find a church nearby with a deep peace. I may not agree with all the theology, especially the eschatology, but the pastor and I are on the same page about where we need to focus right now, “at this moment in time.”

(I hear Brian’s voice saying that as he made fun of that phrase in a pompous manner! We’d always laugh hysterically!:))

I can laugh about so many things that we both found funny. I struggle with watching British Lit BBC stuff, as that was one thing we both really enjoyed together. I’ve had to find completely different genres to be entertained by. It’s crazy, the things that make me cry.

*Anyways,* the pastor at my new church has a deep concern to make his church a house of prayer.

Since I went through IBLP’s “Commands of Christ” with my kids several times I was struck by Christ’s command to be a house of prayer.

There is a synagogue down on Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis that has this command carved in stone around the top of the building. It’s impressive. I’ve always been convicted whenever I saw that. I am saddened that prayer has lost its importance in this modern church age.

As a child I went to Wednesday night prayer meeting with my mom and knelt by the pew with the oldest folk in the congregation. Palmer Erickson was one that prayed those evenings. I remember chewing tough steak from supper through one of those meetings.

Prayer meeting was a given.

Now there is news of a community-wide prayer meeting on Thursday mornings. I might try to go, since my master’s class is on Thursday and I cannot sub that day of the week anyway. This church also has a monthly prayer meeting (better than none!) and the pastor has been preaching on the importance of prayer.

Let me introduce you to my new concept this past year: My Snatch List.

Jude 23 talks about pulling people from the fire. Some translations use the word “snatch.” Just like the Rapture—Harpazo. SNATCH.

There are those that need to be snatched from the fire, from the Illuminati, from sin, from false doctrine. I have my “snatch list” now. I’ve written about it several times already, but I can’t emphasize how this burden is on my heart.

Some of you know that I was “missionary” in Germany, church planting and Turkish ministry. I have worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship for years. Summer Bible camp was another “mission” of mine, up by Thompson, Manitoba. Recently I’ve helped with church plants here stateside, Home-schooling, and Jail ministry. Sharing Christ, telling the Gospel is my mission. I’ve had lots of practice. Corgi Hollows is one of my venues. I’ve seen people come to Jesus, and there is nothing so wonderful!

After Brian died I felt the wind was sucked out of my sails. I turned to a prayer life to sustain myself. The Lord has been convicting my heart that His Spirit is the instigator, the force and drive into people’s souls. We need to be asking for His will in Jesus’ name. His will is for ALL TO BE SAVED.

Let’s ask for those in desperate need of Jesus to come to Him. This is PRAYER!

Prayer works.

I have a special prayer partner and we meet once a month to pray. We have deep and dark needs, we pray, we see results! God is working in the needs we present to Him.

It’s incredibly exciting.

Yes, I’ve seen terrible pain, terrible shock. An outsider might think I’m a person of bad luck. I don’t believe in luck, at all. I believe that God is always working in my life, through the dark, through the light. I choose to see my story as being written. It’s not over yet, at least.

I can die or be raptured tonight/tomorrow/anytime because I have my faith and trust in HIM ALONE. God knows the number of my days, and He writing my life story.

Knowing my husband is with Jesus, perfect and enjoying His presence is a tremendous comfort to me. I look forward to the great reunion, the bridal feast, soon to come. I can persevere until Jesus calls me home.

You can too, with the Holy Spirit.

PRAY! Get your snatch list written down.

Keep your eyes on the LORD’s timing, and be excited for what He is going to do.

I have entire countries on my list, the USA included.

I know a big God. I know the Creator. I know He is able.

He knows my heart, the thoughts of my head, the desires of my heart.

I can trust Him, and so can you.


September Blue

I am still figuring out this blogging apparatus, and uploading photos seems to be iffy. I’ve been able to find the magic road to uploads at times, other times I navigate to nothing. I need my webmaster, Ed, to tutor me.

If I could share a photo I took this morning, I would. The sky is deep sky blue. I always think September has the bluest skies. Perhaps it is just the contrast to the yellowing tree color. All the trees are tipped with gold now.

I said good bye to my cousin yesterday for the fourth time this summer season, and as I dropped her and her husband (this time he came too :)) at the airport a gloom filled my heart.

I am always cheered by her. She’s medicine for my spirit. She lives in Arizona, so it will be a little while now before I get to see her again. I’ll need some vitamin D and sunshine around February, so perhaps I’ll trek down to the sunshiny south for a dose of her good tonic then.

I am now planning a trip out to Pennsylvania with my friends, a possible mission opportunity for me. They are already involved. More later…

School is in full force. I even have had calls to sub this week…

Surprise! The East Asian NGO class is really a highlight of my week! Who would have thought ???

The Budget and Finance class is dry with algorithms and figures. Ugh. One must take the bitter with the sweet sometimes.

I’m finding it challenging to turn out my papers and discussion contributions each week. The reading is formidable.

With a trip and two weddings this semester, plus ongoing life changes and grief I will have my cup of challenge to swallow.

Thanks for saying a prayer for me if my name or face comes to mind. I always do that. The Lord brings to mind those I need to pray for.

Prayer is really on my mind. My new church is starting a series about praying for the lost, exactly what the Lord has been laying on my mind. I have my “snatch from the fire” list. I cry out to God for these souls every day.

You might be on it.

Truly, if you are reading this, you are probably already fire -safe.

I hope so. IF not, you must seek the Lord, and put your trust in Him. Today. Don’t wait.

Even if the Covid vaccine isn’t the mark of the beast, it heralds a beast system, with an identification plan to finger some and exclude others. Human rights are at stake. The facial recognition thing, identifying those who are vaccinated and allowing special privilege to them is disturbing. The proverbial “hour” is late. We see prophesied events churning out in the historical timeline. Time is short. Jesus is coming. Get ready!

Come quickly, Lord Jesus, eternal monarch! King of the millennium! Even so….

Pray for people. The Holy Spirit initiates the spiritual awakening. We must pray! We must trust Him to do His work in the lives of those we are concerned about.

Pray that they believe and put their trust (and hope) in Him. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

This is a message that isn’t known as well as it should be. The harvest is ripe!

Praise God.


School Year

Although I’ve been attending lectures for two weeks at my state university, Ed starts at the U today, and my local public school (where I substitute) starts school today.

I have painters coming today to re-do the trim on my house. One more job sorely needing to be done.

As the weather turns chilly we all pick up the pace and prep for winter.

The fall feasts are in play (High watch Rapture Season!) and it is my middle child’s birthday today. I wish her the most beautiful day and life! She is beautiful.

Last Saturday two angels came to help me get my woodshed filled for winter. John H ran the splitter, his wife, Julie, hauled the wood with Cherie, Ed and me into the shed. I feel so prepared for the snow.

I am so thankful to them, and to the Lord, for prompting them to help me. It was an wonderful day. We had our dear friends here for their events too, and we all had supper at the Ox Yoke Inn. (Great burgers!)

Did I mention how hard it is without Brian?

This is a theme song for my loss. Brian and I liked Jane Austen. (His first bachelor’s degree was English Literature, from Wheaton College in IL) I struggle watching or reading her stuff since his death. Too many poignant moments. I end up with pain in my heart.

Yesterday I found (another) sweet note from my husband. He’d left it in one of my notebooks.

“I love you, mmm, mmm, mmm–“

It made me smile.

When I think about him stepping into heaven I wonder if the last thought he had on earth was one I’d have: “It won’t be long before we’re together again.”

Jesus is coming soon. Death is conquered.

We have the victory.

As I see the darkness, blindness of the Luciferian agenda (Illuminati, Big Pharma, Global Force) gain strength and brainwash the precious billions I have HOPE in Jesus Christ.

He is the Eternal Monarch.

Are you ready to meet the King?

There is nothing more important in your entire life. You cannot battle the dark forces without this assurance.

Today. Repent. Seek His face. Don’t wait.


Last week Cherie and I drove out to Gothenburg, Nebraska to pick up a new family member. Her name is Yuki-chan.

Since Ed is learning Japanese, planning a Japanese garden, and generally familiarizing himself with that Asian culture we decided to go with an appropriate name. Yuki means snow in Japanese. It happens to be a name in Japanese, as well.

I wanted to add the “chan” at the end, which is some sort of diminutive qualification on a name. Ed vetoed this, saying it was some sort of cultural faux pas, but I like it. I win.

Her name is Yuki-chan.

She is a mostly white female purebred Rat Terrier. Her face is priceless. She has a doberman look with little brown spots above her eyes. Her eyes peer into yours with superior intelligence.

We are smitten.

Corwyn growled at her for a few days, but now she anticipates the chase games that occur several times a day. They are sisters, with Corwyn showing the ropes.

The trip to Nebraska was pretty uneventful. We saw Brian’s family, I felt sorrow in another way, and we rode a four wheeler through tall corn at night fast.

I’d say the trip was totally good.

Sorrow is just a fact of my life these days. I can distract myself from it with music or activity, TV, or reading—or studying, driving. In order to breathe I do distract myself. Heartache can be so tiresome.

Today Ed and Cherie are visiting our great State Fair. I wanted to go, but someone had to do puppy duty. Yuki is super smart, but she is still a pup. She needs supervision. I was the one to stay home from the fair. I look forward to the report tonight. I had a craving for deep fried pickles, but that will go unsatisfied. That is one of the things I usually get at the fair, along with a chocolate malt and mini donuts + all the milk you can drink…

Sometimes I get one of those expensive turkey legs. My mouth is watering right now.

Ahhhh. Fair time.

I am thrilled to report that I am not suffering from allergies (yet) this year. Usually my time at the fair is marked by hay-fever misery. I’m wondering why I’ve been given a reprieve. I’m thankful.

Classes started for me last week. I like them. Two good professors, two interesting subjects.

I was offered a long term teaching position, substituting for a second grade class. I paused only a moment before declining. I don’t want to work five days a week plus weekends at the hotel. I don’t want to go back to the admin of teaching.

Give me those days of variety, subbing K-12, all subjects!

My favorite teacher that I sub for already booked me for several days this year. This is promising.

I am breathing.

I have successfully pared down my life for now, with focus on my tasks at hand, my small circle, my immediate responsibility.

If you are reading this and feel I’m ignoring you somehow—perhaps you’ve called me and not heard back from me? Please don’t be offended. I have not been responding to anyone lately. I have had to pare down my entire life, and find new balance.

I can’t just quit (though that is extremely tempting.)

I’ve had to find a new footing, and my time is completely taken up with a very small circle of humans and obligations.

I have said this so many times on this blog: I’m changed. I’m different. I’m not the same person I was.

If you are going through crisis or life change I could only hope that my experience is helpful to you as an example, good or bad.

I’m being real.

The Lord gave me a person at the YMCA that I regularly swim with. She has opened up to me, and we have such similar stories. I have learned so much from her encouragement. We only chat at the Y, but those moments have been prayer-filled, helpful, and revealing.

I’m thankful for her.

With all my swimming and fasting I’ve lost 30 lbs and feel pretty good. I still get anxiety symptoms, but I think they are not as frequent. Your prayers are working.

I enjoy popping into my new church for Sunday Service. Ed and I, and sometimes Cherie, have found a new weekend pastime of having lunch at the Mall of America, strolling around among the foreigners visiting from the globe. We’ve been able to review several restaurants so far, ones we hadn’t ever been to before in the mall’s 25 years. We can offer recommendations if anyone is interested. We had excellent fudge at the Northwood’s Candy shop last Sunday. See you at the mall on Sunday.

My parents are doing well. Dad is back to driving after his stroke. He’s driving just locally, though.

I’m tackling the bad house problems that have plagued me over the summer.

Anyone want to come over and split wood for me? I need to fill up the woodshed before snow. God has someone in mind to help me, I think.

Let’s see who shows up.

It’s beautiful here at Corgi Hollows. I cannot describe the sun-filled fields of hay and corn, line and color that I get to feast my eyes on every day. Nights are crisp.

I am truly blessed. I cannot deny that, and my grief cannot erase that.

New beginnings. Heart flutters. Deep breath.

Yuki-chan, do you need to go out? Did you ring the door bell? Good girl!