A Long Time Ago

I heard a speaker at our church talk about his success as a businessman. His name was Stanley Tam. He figured out a way to recycle silver from film—or something like that—and although now his tech is all but obsolete (probably) he made millions at the time.

I don’t remember much about his business, nor his testimony. I think I bought his bio at a thrift store once upon a time, but haven’t read it yet.

The thing I remember is his emphasis on daily devotions and consistent quiet time, how it will supernaturally meld to your own life and schedule, offering wisdom, encouragement, and peace for the very day. It even can portray the surroundings of the person reading the Scripture.


I’ve tested this my whole life.

I use “Daily Light on the Daily Path” because my mom and dad read that to me every morning and evening as I grew up. I still use it. I read it to my kids too.

I also have my “read through the Bible in a year” sort of thing going, but it’s taken me two years to read the Bible in Spanish. I’m just becoming more familiar with the language now, and I’m in Amos.

Reading the Bible is something I can rely on.

God is communicating with us even daily.

I realize my life has been through some hefty and deep dark turns lately. I cannot offer much encouragement to anyone, really, but as the things of this earth grow dim the promises of Scripture seem to shine more brightly.

God is still good.

I still trust Him to lead and guide me.

The way seems really hard these days, but I think there may be a little bit of light coming through a crack somewhere.

Hope. It comes from seeking His face.

A View of Being Saved

Some of you may remember the many novels I wrote in high school. Hours were spent at sleepovers reading my romances out loud to my friends, and even at school I used my stories to complete assignments whenever possible.

As I entered college I burned them all, realizing that they were sub-par, immature, not wanting them to be found if I accidentally died or something.

I regret that.

I wrote most of a novel as a missionary in Germany, kept it quietly in my files for several years. The shock was when Francine Rivers released the book “The Atonement” and I saw my story, so similar, in her plot. I would have been accused of plagiarism had anyone read mine.

It’s always rewarding to see that your work could have been significant.

Now I write here, and most of it is pretty raw, certainly real, and all mine.

I love romance. Jane Austen is simply the best. The heart matters are resolved with subtle thoughts and inclinations, nothing bold or cheesy. Characters are either lovable or despicable, yet nuance and reality play significant roles.

Every life is romance.

I have lived pretty fully at this point: blessed childhood, good marriage, five children, grandchildren, poverty, wealth, pain, death, loss. I am not an orphan, which at my age is remarkable.

I’ve pretty much experienced most of human life.

This helps me craft stories, understand change, and be realistic in my outlook.

After my husband died last year I have been in a state of transition. Grief marked my outlook, numbness, shock, confusion, concern. There are days I had to remind myself to breathe properly. Even today I find my hands trembling and my heart erratic. It takes time to recover from such things.

I didn’t ask for this change.

When one is snatched from the fire by the Holy Spirit one doesn’t necessarily ask for such change. It just happens.

Salvation may be the lifeline for a desperate sinner living in hell on earth. Although completely necessary for the successful Satanist as well, the process of repentance and life change may be truly unattractive in comparison.

Repentant sinners know their need for Christ.

Those of us who were brought up in the faith also know it.

Those who have been lured by the world have the most difficult transition to make, one that requires absolute submission and sacrifice.

To say that sacrifice is worth it seems trite, yet it is true.

Truth will prevail as the supernatural world reveals itself more and more. The necessity of Jesus will become clearer and clearer. We all need Jesus. To sacrifice for Him is truly difficult for those who are entrenched in the wealth and prosperity of this life. Young people have an especially hard time extracting themselves from the pleasure of lust and greed.

Christ gave all, has the power to save even the most entrenched sinner.

It is worth everything to turn to Him, let the story reach a tremendous axis of change and transformation, all for the future eternity.

The Holy Spirit is the initiator, therefore I am praying that He initiates this transformation in several people. Prayer is powerful. I have my list of names —those that need snatching from the fire—and I am praying, crying out to God to initiate the heart change in these souls entrenched in this world and all its pretty offers.

The millennium is coming. Christ is coming. The Rapture is coming. The end is truly near. The fire is also coming, eternal lake of fire.

Give up the pretty trinkets and fool’s gold for the pure precious metal of eternity with Christ! The earthly sacrifice is minimal in comparison.

Being saved is a transformation driven by God Himself. When I read of this beautiful and profound change in people I am inspired and hopeful. I know several incredible testimonies.

Satan hates these people and attacks them in severe ways. They fall. They fail. They hurt and they suffer. The battle is real, and the life lived for Christ is certainly no cakewalk.

But how temporary life is.

This present trial doesn’t last. Flip over to I Thessalonians, chapters 3 and 4.

Be encouraged that your story is happening in this moment, God is writing it, you are being transformed even now. This is a picture of salvation. God writes the story.

God wins.

Today is the day of salvation. Let Him start the story in your life! Repent and learn of Him.


It’s been awhile, dear readers. As a blogger for over ten years I’ve had few pauses in writing as long as I’ve had recently.

This pause gave time for an alignment job.

The quiet of grief and loss provided a necessary opportunity to pare down my life and set it on a new course.

Alignment, or realignment. So much is changed.

I’ve reassured my closest friends that my faith remains intact. I am having some trust issues, however, and it has made me more sympathetic, more merciful, more kind in my judgment of people. Generally.

I’m seeing and understanding behaviors in people that I never “got” before.

God is giving me an opportunity to relate to things I’ve never had to experience before.

Corgi Hollows is still a place to report the activity around the place, vent ideas, promote good things. It may seem a bit altered from now on.

After all, I’m not the quintessential home-school mom any more. I seem to have found a purpose in living for Jesus, it’s new and unusual for me, but the focus is still Christ.

Paring things down to make simplicity a theme has been very successful. Perhaps you haven’t seen me in awhile. I’m in a realignment.

I have chosen a new church to attend.

I have chosen to focus on the people the Lord has given me to care for.

I have chosen to be content.

I have chosen to let my grief come whenever it surfaces, but to acknowledge blessings and future hope.

I have chosen to look forward to the millennial kingdom where Christ reigns with His followers on earth. In this world we will have trouble. I will take heart knowing that Christ has overcome this world.

There has been little rain this summer, bringing the mowing season to a close early. The garden does well, and I’ve been treated to zucchini and cherry tomatoes. Corwyn, the Corgi, is still shedding profusely. I have placed a hold on a Rat Terrier puppy in Nebraska to take out the burgeoning Groundhog/Woodchuck population that will destroy my firewood shed.

I’m swimming at the YMCA almost daily to aid my neck and back issues. The result is a much more fit body and mind.

Music has been a comfort to me. My playlist includes Color Theory, Natalie Bergman, Marty Goetz, Jang Guen Suk, Hitchville, Ola Gjelo, Henry, and the Hidden In My Heart Lullabies.

I’m waiting and studying, watching and learning. I’m not the same person I was. I will probably never be the same again.

We all change gradually. Life dictates change.

Sometimes a drastic realignment is called for, especially as the result of major trouble.

I’ve had major trouble.

I’m realigned.

Going forward…