Spring Break

And oh, how the times fly!

Since our trip to Japan I’ve been extremely busy with my two jobs, visitors, trips, and events. It has been good. I just don’t have the time to write as formerly.

I have had funerals and losses, but in light of the total picture I am trudging ahead. My house has needed major work. Life’s necessities have drained me with decisions needing to be made, all exhausting. But….

I have joined the worship team at my church every Sunday, so that is quite the commitment. I attend my Bible Study, learning Chinese more and more, loving the fellowship with these new friends. Getting involved in these (mostly student’s) lives is a joy and a privilege.

One of my 2024 words was health. I had been neglecting my strength training (cross-fit) due to a busy schedule. I was convicted about losing my strength and health, so last week I committed to being faithful to my schedule at the gym! My gym people were so welcoming (and not judgmental!) at my return.

All these things going on, and now it is a break from school—hence time to jot down an update.

Last weekend I briefly stopped by the conference of pagans that is held in our city. Over 1,000 witches come to the cities to hold this meeting. I have a friend who attends these to keep everyone informed about the trends in the pagan community, as well as to share Truth with the attendees.

This year he had a team with him, all of them found opportunities to converse and witness during the conference.

I was glad to observe for myself, not attending any workshops, but I walked through the vendor area. I nodded at the druids.

Having attended the M.A.C.H.E. conference for many years (Minnesota Home Schooling Conference) I saw so many similarities! Satan is such an imitator. There was also a distinctly “Renaissance Fair” feeling. Lovely people selling lovely things. Pretty, shiny things like jewelry and crystals, garments and artwork.

My friend, Carl, reminded me that Satan is already defeated. My recent re-reading of Ephesians, and Watchman Nee’s book “Sit, Walk, Stand,” gave me the framework of the true spiritual situation. Satan may buffet and attack, but he is defeated. We stand in the strength of the Holy Spirit and He is the Victor!

Hallelujah. Praise to One Who set me free.

I had no conversations, but those that did reported that so many pagans are former Lutherans, Catholics, Baptists—-former “Christians.”

As the church we should be aware that so many people in our congregations are “at risk.” They are spiritually unstable and still seeking.

They are finding meaning in anything but the convictions the Holy Spirit is prompting. They run from truth.

As believers in the Word of God we are called to forsake our sin, to be filled with the Spirit, and to obey His Word. This is a hard calling. Many cannot make that decision to follow Christ whole-heartedly. So much sacrifice of self. It’s too hard.

They choose the easy route of self-satisfaction and the normal human condition of lostness.

The eternal consequences are unthinkable.

Are you praying for dear ones to be snatched up to Jesus?

The Lord has never been silent about the things to come. As we study His Word we become acquainted with prophecies and we can watch for events to unfold as predicted. We watch the signs.

Signs are all around us now.

One sign of significance is the upcoming eclipse. Isn’t it interesting that its path crosses several municipalities named “Ninevah?” Watchers watch. Watchers notice stuff like this. It’s always interesting to someone who studies Scripture to find patterns and signs. We all know the significance of these things.

Scoffers will scoff. There will always be those who over interpret the signs and seek to predict things more than Scripture has. It’s to be expected. Satan loves to use these false interpretations to discredit the clear patterns. Nothing is a coincidence. God had these signs planned from the beginning.

Watchmen watch. They notice things. They are looking up, anticipating the soon return of their glorious Lord and loved-one. Who else can be that One so loved and longed for?

Jesus. Come quickly.