
Did you know that you can cry with heartache and still be joyful?

You can.

This morning I have had the urge to weep, yet I have a joyful spirit. I am focusing on the blessings God has given me, yet I am keenly aware of my needs and my loss.

Sounds like a paradox.

It is.

Our church is going through a 40 days of prayer course. I’m finding the sermons helpful and the readings inspiring. I needed to be reminded of some of God’s attributes: His love, His power, His willingness to give (lavishly) to His own.

The part about a parent giving what is good for a child really hit me in a new light. Parents will never encourage anything detrimental for their children.

I would never encourage alcohol, drugs, or any lascivious behavior in any of my children. I wouldn’t encourage greed, pride, envy, anger, lust, gluttony, or sloth. Those seven deadlies are concise and helpful in defining the roots of problems or plain sin.

We are training a very endearing puppy these days. She has a short coat of hair, so she hates the sub-zero temps we’ve been enduring lately. Still, we make her go out regularly. We often forget that she still needs surveillance 24/7 and she makes mistakes. We are always cleaning up after her. She’s an incredibly smart dog, yet she takes advantage of our lax vigilance.

She’s treated to the best of treats and privileges. She’s loved and coddled. She has the best care and love. She still needs compassion and forgiveness, understanding.

Does the Heavenly Father know I need His compassion, forgiveness, understanding?

Of course.

Why is that so hard for me to believe?

At least lately.

I know that the Father wants good gifts for me. He has given me purpose and ability, fellowship and ease. He has given me heat in the dead of winter, sustenance for life, two basic human needs. He has taken charge of my life in ways that I could never have imagined, and I am grateful.

Yet I’m still sad. I miss my husband and I still have a hard time believing he’s gone—even a year and a half after his death. I wonder how long I will feel this way. It seems to be like an electric shock that surprises me when I touch the big old dryer at the hotel where I work on weekends, and I’m full of static from handling the blankets. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. Always.

As I choose to focus on a smaller circle I have been blessed with new directions of interest and industry.

The school where I teach has about 1,000 students. They all know me. They give me joy when they enter the room and cry out happily, “It’s Mrs. Corgi.”

I had an unruly class of 8th graders last Friday. These kids have given me grief since I started my job at the district 5 years ago. They have issues with respect.

The day ended with a huge laugh, though, and my faith in these bright and promising students was restored. We shared a moment of levity after a few trying moments. This type of thing gives joy, gives hope, and gives place. I belong there.

I guess I belong here on this earth right now. Despair and heartache can snatch that sense of belonging. I have longed for heaven for so long.

Why are we still here?


I am asking big things of God: I want to be raptured. I want to be light in this world and in the Millenium, that thousand-year reign of Christ on earth.

I want to enter at the strait gate. I want to be on the narrow way.

And I want my children to be on it, too. I want those on my “Snatch List” to be on it.

If you know me I want you to be on it.

This gives me joy, to think that the Father will answer my supplications.

I can cry, and I can be joyful.

Today I am sad with joy.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

A Purifying List

In Romans 12:9-21 there is a list we can all pray through. To prevent the hindering of prayer we must confess and repent of sin in our lives, and this is a helpful tool to find those areas in our lives that need purification.

I’m learning much about prayer, living life (on a new level) conquering sin, and being watchful.

Being single (again) after 30 years, reluctantly and heartbreakingly, has been a challenge for me spiritually.

I have the tendency toward depression, so having a bleak outlook can be my second nature. I tend to underestimate God’s power.

Confession: I’m sorry for doing that, Lord.

The God who fashioned the Universe—-can He not save those that are on my daily prayer “snatch” list?

He can.

Since it’s been awhile since I’ve written, and I’ve come through blue holidays, I am touching on several themes in this blog post: sin, prayer, confession, and the nature of God.

Isn’t this the heart of most believers?

Doesn’t our walk with Christ boil down to these themes?

I could add “servanthood” to the list, but that follows a correct understanding of the previous list.

We must acknowledge and repent of sin.

We must pray.

We must confess (with our communication skills) our faith.

We must understand the nature of our God, the Creator, the one, true God.

This faith walk is truly difficult. It may require death, huge sacrifice, financial difficulty, hunger, denial of desires, loss. This is the result of living in a fallen world. But the focus is on the eternal state in the life of any believer.

Mark 8:36

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?

We’re talking eternity here.

When one’s spouse leaves for eternity one can think of eternity more clearly, more often, more realistically. It’s just real. Eternity is more important than now.

So I beg of you to get right before God right now. I beg of you to repent, confess, pray, and deny yourself. I’m on this journey with you. We’re looking for the great snatching, and we’re hoping to finish strong.

Are you on the snatch list? (Jude 23)

Do you have the influence to urge others to deny themselves and seek God?

Jesus Saves! He is the rock upon which we can firmly stand.

Perhaps you do not realize that the devil is the prince and power of the air, has much beauty, and seems extremely desirable. His power is almost irresistible. But it is resistible. The Holy Spirit is greater. Cry out, call out to God for the power to resist the devil.

God’s forgiveness and mercies are new EVERY MORNING! Struggling with the devil and the sinful nature is not the end for those who trust Christ. We have a daily hope in God’s power and forgiveness.

He will not abandon us. We cannot be snatched from His hand.

What hope for a glorious future!

This is more important than anything else in life.

It’s 2022, a new year. Make this year the one to achieve balance, direction, hope, and godly purpose. Resist the devil, the puppet masters, the worldliness and confusion, the apathy and the sin nature to be Christlike, to be eternally minded, to be eternally saved.

It’s your choice.

See the power.