One of the fun aspects of my Chinese language learning is watching Chinese “drama” to listen to the flow of conversation, learn vocabulary, and understand Asian culture. Of course the drama I see is heavily influenced by the puppet masters, with all their stag racks, 23’s, and subtle clues of dominance. They produce these shows, so they get their cut.
In each of these dramas there are conflicts, villains, and heroines. I prefer the softer plots. I hate suspense, so I tend to avoid any mysteries or thrillers. The relationship conflicts and their resolutions are enough suspense for me. Call me boring. I just have enough drama in my own life.
I do think I am learning things about repairing relationships, though. Each story has people with difficult personalities, falling out, and various degrees of conflict. I can relate to so many of the characters!
As a believer in Jesus Christ I recognize that His standards for relationships are my standards. I need to strive to love and serve everyone, keep a “short list” of offenses, forgive, and demonstrate Christ to everyone I meet.
What happens when you run into an irreconcilable situation?
In the land of Chinese drama fiction there is always a solution. In real life that doesn’t happen. One can forgive, but not always reconcile.
Reconciliation requires humility, forgiveness, willingness to compromise (on things that aren’t of faith) and lots of love. Prayer is a key component.
When there is no willingness to compromise there is no repair of relationship.
This is where a believer in Jesus sees the most conflict! Those of us who love the Lord, believe He has given us commands and standards to follow, shown us a way to live, and strive to obey Him will inevitably come to a place of NO COMPROMISE.
Those that cannot accept that will naturally move apart.
Faith is a divider.
We can hold our own standards, obey Christ, and demonstrate His love every minute of our lives, but we cannot compromise on sin.
When we sin we are bound to seek the Lord’s forgiveness, His Spirit’s power to overcome it, and to live each day with our eyes on His commands and the mandate to please Him and obey Him.
If a relationship requires a compromise on this there cannot be a reconciliation. Reconciliation requires understanding and acceptance. IF that isn’t there, there won’t be a reconciliation.
I have several people in my circle of relationships that have chosen a way of life that the Bible strictly forbids. Do you know how I deal with these relationships? I love these people. I love them.
I love them. I pray for them. I talk to them. I hug them. I listen to them. I am a friend to them.
I know that they understand my views, at least I believe they do, but I am there to help them and listen when they open up to me.
I am not making any compromise regarding that behavior in my own convictions. I recognize sin and I am determined to keep sin away in my own life. I am determined to confess my sin to my Lord, and strive anew each day in that battle.
When someone is under deep conviction and rejects me along with Biblical standards I am at a loss about how to repair that relationship. I can’t. Only the Holy Spirit can bring about a truly repentant heart. I have to move on.
I can still pray. My snatch list is full of these people that I can’t relate to spiritually, at this point. I pray that they will be snatched, be brought into right relationship with Christ and with me.
Ultimately it is Christ alone who can repair relationship. It takes a miracle sometimes, but God is a worker of miracles, every single day.
With God nothing is impossible.
Keep praying.