Happy Moments: Praise God

On Friday my latest grandson was born, “Casper.”

He is a beautiful baby, like his three cousins were as babies, also my dear grandchildren. God has blessed me with a lovely family.

Yes, there are “issues,” but overall I can PRAISE GOD for His goodness to me. Casper has Margaret for a mommy, and that is a blessing to him, as well. She’s been blessed with so many talents and gifts. I bless them. Pray for them with me, please!

It is a hot week in late July, and I am feeling energized. Shock! Usually I wilt in anything above 85 degrees. I’m such a Minnesota girl. Those first tinges of fall really get my blood flowing again and I can conquer mountains of work.

It was an eventful weekend at Corgi Hollows, full of activity, house guests, and wonder.

I finally got to go back to my home church, where my pastor continues his march through Genesis. I’m really affirming his messages, he preaches such interesting details!

I am a believer in many conspiracies. Look that word up. The “Conspiracy Theorist” term was invented fairly recently and it has colored the whole meaning of the original word.

Lucifer is a person who conspires. There are conspiracies. He is the ultimate practitioner of this, but many other persons conspire, dream, manipulate, and drive their own plans to fruition.

Because there is such a flow of information to field and analyze, daily, in our world, one MUST have a worldview that is rational and reasonable to exist with.

I have chosen the “young earth, Biblical inerrancy worldview.” Boy, am I glad that is my worldview! What a safe place to be in this crazy era, even though some may believe this is “conspiracy,” negatively.

I also believe in the harpazo which many like to gloss over or discount, yet it is there, plain as day, in 1 Thess. 4:17. It is a Bible story event 8 times, starting with Enoch and ending with the Bride of Christ (the church.)

I am watching for the harpazo. I believe that according to prophetic signs being fulfilled all around us today, also the astronomical signs that God gave us (the church age into the age of the Spirit’s outpouring) that Jesus is going to catch us up pretty soon.

I believe that my generation will see this event, since Israel is now a nation since 1948. This generation won’t pass away before we see this, according to prophecy.

Prophecy in Scripture is 100% fulfilled.

God sees all time. He knows. WE are about to see some of the most amazing things unfold.

As the Bride of Christ, we can anticipate a week of feasting with the Bridegroom while Jacob’s Trouble takes place on earth: really, Satan’s last stand. That week will be horrific. It is a week of years, so it will not be easy to survive it.

Many will come to Christ, and the Lord will preserve His people, miraculously, but I would much rather avoid it—if I were you.

I am a believer, covered by the blood of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. My sin is forgiven. I, therefore, know where I will be for that week: WITH JESUS.

This was not of myself, lest I should boast!

I have been through a time of darkness, much written about here on Corgi Hollows. It has been my trouble.

I am changed.

I am older, wiser, quieter. I am warier.

I am watching the world becoming swept under the influence of the Illuminati. Remember that I lived in Ingolstadt, Germany, for a year. I met a dark power there one afternoon. I did not know what it was, but my friend introduced me to this spirit and ever since I am aware of its massive influence in this realm.

Most people are completely blind to it. They do a good job of being a secret society. So much influence behind the scenes. Uncanny!

But I have no fear because even though he slay me, yet shall I live. I’m seeing my Bridegroom soon.

I’ll see those dear to me who are with him, too.

How long, Oh Lord? How long?

Soon, and very soon we are going to see the King.


By the way: Due to an exceptionally long winter I’m dealing with EXCESSIVE SHEDDING, particularly the Corgi! Corwyn needs the Furminator every single day, and she is still shedding profusely! She’s six now, and I’ve never seen it like this. I guess she is shedding six years of hair. The wood floors are carpeted in her hair. Yukichan sheds some too, but she has a light coat to begin with. The boy cats are also shedding.

I must conclude that it was the long winter. Are you seeing it too?

I run the vacuum daily.

I would love some help with the wood pile if anyone wants to spend an afternoon. I’ll pay in pizza. 🙂

My traveling foot is itching. Don’t be surprised if Miss Corgi shows up in Japan, China, or somewhere else in Asia. I miss Germany and I want to see my pen pal from 3rd grade in Sweden. I need to try out my language skills. Turkey is calling too. Greece? Cyprus? How about Israel?

Chinese is hard. I like it, though. It actually makes sense to me now.

Maybe I’ll just go spend a couple hours at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts in the Asian Art section. Options.

Would anyone be interested in a Corgi Hollows Meet-Up near the MPLS/STP airport, like the MOA this fall? I can designate a spot to meet and fellowship. You can come as you wish, introduce yourself in a safe environment and we can all encourage each other in these times. Let me know. I may just make a plan and you can plan accordingly. Remember that our Minnesota culture is very much like a totalitarian state, so think about that when you book your flight. Undercover is the word, especially at the MOA.

Corgi Hollows History Day is still planned for October 14. That is at Corgi Hollows. Message me for details. Come dressed as a character/figure from history, be prepared to tell us about your person. Time is 1 to 6 with a bonfire, Kosher hotdogs, and an informal gathering at 3:00 pm. Parking is in the hayfield across the road from the houses.

If the weather is poor we’ll meet indoors. I anticipate a brisk sunny fall day! The best the world offers in weather. Bring a dish to share if you’d like, Old fashioned Minnesota pot-luck style. I’ll have a screen house with tables for the spread.

Music will hopefully happen, too.


“Courage is more than a daring deed, it’s the breath of life and a strong man’s creed.”

-Edgar Albert Guest

As we look down the cliff of looming last days we need one thing more than hope, and that might be courage.

Hope we have. God gave us hope in the Garden of Eden.

Courage is something needed periodically.

When did God give courage? I remember the stories of Moses, Joshua, Gideon first. David had courage.

Courage was shown in most of our favorite Bible stories, and it came from the Lord because the Bible characters usually had pretty outstanding faults.

Are you ready for being a character in a Bible story?

Since the Bible is about 30% prophecy, much of which has been already fulfilled, we know that there are things yet to come.

The prophecies are being fulfilled in our age, just as they were in the time of Christ. We are approaching the end of the church age, and people are acting “as in the days of Noah.”

—another prophecy.

So what we need now is courage. I’m seeing many of my friends looking rather faint lately. The spiritual battle has been ruthless. Many are sick (myself included) spiritually, weakened from the trials and trouble the enemy has pitched our way.

Don’t lose heart!

Look at the WWII soldiers and learn from their courageous example. Many bravely faced their death for a greater good, a greater cause.

Those responsible for wars will not go unaccountable.

Let us learn from the soldier metaphor that is also used in Scripture to bolster our own walk with the Lord.

We need God’s powerful help in becoming courageous.

Not my will, Lord, but Thine!

But still—–


Again, The Five of You

Sometimes I write a particularly sensitive post—one that I don’t mind making public, but not to thousands.

Corgi Hollows has become an entity followed by several thousand people, more or less. It represents a lot of light, rightness, and devotion to God, all from an imperfect heart fraught with loss and grief.

As it has such a following I know it hits a note with fellow sufferers.

We suffer together.

In the past four years I’ve lost six persons, either to death or to relationship failure. All of these people were extremely important to me, not peripheral. They include my husband, my dad, my brother, and my daughter, also two of my closest friends.

Yes, you can feel a bit sorry for me.

This loss is not my own. My whole family has felt it and dealt with it on all sorts of levels. Life has been a constant challenge.

Some days it is enough just to breathe. There were days I couldn’t eat, just breathe.

Everyone has read self-improvement books, I think. I have thousands of books with a whole section on getting life right.

That doesn’t include the theological section.

I’ve literally read the book on self-help. I’ve heard a lot, if not all. There’s lots to admire, lots to believe will benefit. Ultimately I’ve tried multiple “systems” to improve my life. Lots to recommend, lots to learn and teach others. I believe the “system” we find in the Bible is the plumb-line of correct living. Nothing else compares.

I saw a quote attributed to Johnny Cash: If you are searching for truth all roads eventually lead to Jesus.

Well, true, because He is truth. He is love.

He defines Himself, and He defines love.

At the end of all sorrows there is truth and love.

At the end of all advice and attempts to make things right humanly speaking—-there is Jesus and truth and love.

We all benefit from staying away from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, over-eating, lust and laziness. That’s just the way it is. Sin is temporarily attractive, but it hurts in the long run.

All the self help will only give you a youthful appearance and fewer illnesses. It may add to your age, or perhaps not. We live the appointed days.

At the end of it all there is only hope and comfort in Jesus and His promises.

As it says in Ecclesiastes, everything is meaningless——

Except with Christ.

So I will end this post with an affirmation of hope in Christ. I may suffer loss in this life, and continue to do so, but I will end up with Jesus.

It is Jesus alone, the eternal monarch, lover of my soul, who matters; eyes on Him

Nothing Else.


Post script: One thing that the past two years has taught me is an interesting fact about abuse. It gets easier to handle, toughens us up, and makes us stronger. This is not a justification of abuse. It is never justified, nor ignored. Abuse is wrong on every level. I have experienced it now for two years, and I admit I can take it now much more easily than I could at first. You get used to it. God knows all about it. I am so thankful for a life that has can survive it. If something happens to me please know that I am with Jesus. I can’t wait to see His face. God is in control of the whole situation, and I am trusting Him. Because this abuse is connected to someone with severe brain damage I am trying very hard to let God deal with it, though local authorities are aware. Pray for me. Thx.

Every Thought

The Bible declares that God is omniscient. He knows everything: details, thoughts, future, hopes, desires, sins.

This can be a daunting concept to some people. They just cannot fathom a Person who could know all.

For me it has been a beacon of hope, a character quality of a Creator who cares enough, knows all, and remembers.

He says of the redeemed that He remembers their sin no more, so that gives comfort.

However, in times of my life when I feel wronged I remember that God knows all, and everyone is accountable to Him.

We are all accountable to Him for every thought, word and action.

Everyone, everything.

Yes, God can remember all that. He’s God.

When my mind cannot comprehend the nature of God I just chalk it up to my finite being.

Of course there are things I cannot understand. I’m only human.

I can only believe the things asserted and implied in Scripture. Put two and two together and you do end up with four. Logically.

God knows everything.

He knows that a word I said 20 years ago meant something, was interpreted some other way, twisted, remembered, held against, held account. It may have influenced a life. Perhaps the influence was negative.

What a tremendous responsibility!

It’s one that I cannot bear.

So, I’m thankful that I am accountable to God alone. He understands my intentions. He knew my heart and my desires. I can bring those words to Him, because He alone is fair and righteous.

I will sadly bear the sorrow that I caused by words said.

I don’t even remember the words, but I ‘m sure they had impact.

Every word, every thought, every deed.

It’s better to be silent!

When you are wronged remember that God will hold the perpetrator accountable for every word, thought, and action. “Vengeance is Mine,” says the LORD.

You can take comfort in that and watch God work things out.

That is the joy of a believer. God cares, God knows.

You are accountable to God.