Rosh Hashanah

Could it be this weekend?

The Feast of Trumpets is the new year, a herald of things to come. Some link it to the promise of a trumpet sounding and the dead rising first…

Then the rest will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air.

I’m that kind of believer. I pray that I can be caught up, not needing to see death, just a meeting in the air and staying with Jesus forever!

What a hope! It’s a blessed hope.

Cherie and I just got back from two nights at Fort Ridgely, a state park near the Minnesota River, up river from New Ulm.

I had intended to write a couple of papers there for the Bible class we just joined, but it didn’t happen.

I slept most of the time. I haven’t slept like that in quite some time.

Now I am rested up, really, and the weather was perfect in every way.

The camping trip was perfect.

Still, I am fighting the blues of depression tonight. Fort Ridgely was one of our favorite places to go camping. Camping without Brian is something that brings up memories—-good ones—and the loss makes it bittersweet.

Grief continues in a morphed way.

This fall I have four trips, the first is over. I’ll report as they happen for me.

God is gently leading me out of my fortress.

Maybe the next trip we take together—-caught up to see Jesus.

Yes, Lord. Come quickly!


PS Fort Ridgely is a very historical place. The Dakota Wars of 1862 happened in the region, the fort playing a huge role in the conflict. I think it is important to know the history of that war, the shaping of our country today, also all the angles and sides to the conflict.

Several good books have been written. Each time I go to Fort Ridgely I learn something new.

How quickly time flies. How monumental things can become when we do not live as we should!

Keep short accounts, keep Christ’s commands, keep loving one another. War is a product of the fallen nature. Don’t you long for Christ’s kingdom?

I do.

Another Year Begins

In the USA there is an advantage to have two new years to begin each calendar year: school year counts as a beginning as well as January 1.

It’s September 2, 2023.

School starts in Minnesota the day after Labor Day. By law.

I already received my first calls to substitute teach.

I have other things to schedule in this lighter fall subbing schedule: Japan, Pennsylvania, camping at Fort Ridgely, and a quick trip to see my wonderful cousin in Arizona.

Sounds busy, right?

Japan may finally happen for us. It’s been years in the planning. Sometimes you have to strike while the iron’s hot, and the stars align. We do not know if things will all come together yet, but we are trying to make it happen.

Japanese gardens, here we come…

I finally get to meet my boss with my Chinese/American NGO this fall. We both plan to be in Pennsylvania for a conference. I get to travel with my dear friends out there, time with special people.

Remember when Ed broke his elbow last winter? We still have the flight vouchers for the trip we were to take to Arizona that day. They are only good for a few more weeks. Gotta make that happen.

Cheri loves to camp, as her dad did. Fort Ridgely was one of her favorite spots to camp. I have to remember how to hitch up the Scamp correctly and get on the road….It isn’t hard, but when you don’t do it often you forget. I am not my husband. He always knew how to do stuff like that.

Pray I do it right. There is always YouTube, but each vehicle/hitch has its variations.

Fall hayfever has made it’s appearance. My mom was talking about rosefever being spring allergies, hayfever being fall. I think it is Ragweed that makes me miserable.

More honey, more echinacea.

My brother and his family have been here from New York, also my niece and her husband, from California. My Swedish nephew-in-law got to experience the state fair last weekend. I think he may have been a bit overwhelmed, but generally he enjoyed it.

Ed, Cherie, and I went to the fair with my son’s family, —my eldest grandson. It was his first time at the fair, and he is 7. He LOVED it, and it was such a joy to experience his thrill at the fair. We had a wonderful day! Lots of people, perfect weather, just fun. I didn’t get to hear my favorite band at the fair: Ecuador Manta. They are playing each evening at the DNR building stage. I am sad I missed them, but our day was pretty full as it was.

In the midst of all this our old refrigerator quit. Spending a week without a fridge could have been worse. We hauled up the dorm fridge that is in storage. Still…

Next week the furnace will get checked. First time in 8 years…

Two windows need to be replaced. They don’t shut properly. Home ownership…

It’s been crazy busy.

My mom is tired after all of this fun, and we are ready to settle into the new routines of the new school year.

What is God doing in our hearts?

There are still days of question, grief, confusion. Having made my decision to “fortress” I am so thankful for the quieter commitments.

Life is different. Life is new.

Thanks for stopping in at Corgi Hollows. Coffee on the porch is always an option. These are golden days in Minnesota.

I imagine many like this in the Millennium. Beautiful, sweet, love-filled days.