Can you be a failure in grief?
I speak only from experience, mine, and I’ve thought so. What is failing at grief, anyway?
Not crying enough? Feeling totally lost? Anger at the One who orchestrates the world?
How about sobbing at inappropriate moments?
Those all look like failure to me.
What about the darkness —blue—that sits in the chest, coloring the days?
Loss brings grief.
I’ve struggled with maintaining our home, as well. Failure. Managing is hard.
I’ve dropped the ball on most relationships.
Can you hear what I am saying? Those who grieve are prone to failure.
I’m not stupid. I have a smattering of talents and gifts, understanding. To whom much is given much shall be required.
I’ve failed there, too.
So, speaking as a FAILURE, I will say this: God forgives. He will forgive that mess I’ve made.
Can you forgive me, too?