Why are you downcast, oh my soul?
Everything about this latest news from the Middle East is disheartening.
When you love a country and a people, and they are dear to you and God, you cannot help but be affected by their pain and trial.
I am reminded of the Scriptures that affirm God’s love for His people Israel.
He made an eternal covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Yes there are worldly powers that tweak and twitch, the puppet masters, and Puppet Master Lucifer pull the strings. No one human can fully explain the centuries-old conflict and the players that rise in every era.
God watches over Israel, and He doesn’t slumber or sleep.
I am irritated by anyone who tries to minimize the important things to God. Therefore I prefer to keep quiet (except for here!)
God has not forgotten His people. Israel and the church are two different entities in Scripture. We should never have abandoned Israel, yet The Church did veer off the prescribed teachings of the Old Testament. I’m not talking about the Law, per se, but the significance and symbolism of the feasts and the fulfillment of OT prophesy.
By losing the thread of significance we have gone astray.
Augustine made some major boo-boos.
Back to the future, however. Israel is still under the umbrella of God’s protection. Many of perished, but the bigger picture is fulfillment of prophecy, and that is expected.
Things prophesied will come to fulfillment.
WE are witness to this great time in history, and we can be assured that God keeps His promises.
He said He was coming again, so I believe it.
How long, Oh Lord, How long?
MARANATHA, Lord Jesus.