Ongoing Good

Dear Readers, Corgi is tapped out right now, multiple levels of stuff, juggling time commitments, and fielding many, many blessings.

Basement: waiting for the contractors to appear again. I know that they are also tapped out, as Minnesota had one of the wettest summers ever and everyone is getting their problems fixed. I have my guy lined up to do the finishing of the downstairs family room whenever the water-proofing is complete.

This mess started last December and I have been quietly giving it to God on a daily basis. I’m praying for a habitable haven at Corgi Hollows again soon. It is in God’s hands.

My trip to Alaska was marvelous. I thought the ship, Zaandam, was very elegant and just the right size (1,500 guests, 500 staff) and pleasing to the eye. It had a type of pipe organ in the middle of the ship, so I was thrilled. The seas were incredibly quiet. I never imagined how stable and peaceful the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of North America could be. I barely felt any waves. Maybe I’m a natural seafarer. It’s my Viking blood.

I saw orcas, humpbacks, porpoises, sea otters, seals, salmon running, bears…eagles…

Glaciers. Changing blues of the sea and sky, mountains topped in snow, layers and layers of ranges stretching to all sides.

I caught a bad head cold in Glacier Bay. It was really cold! I didn’t have a hat, and my demise was apparent by late that evening.

I spent the day we were supposed to be in Ketchikan in my stateroom sleeping. I’ve experienced being sick on ship now, too. The full cruise experience! I’m actually thankful.

I would definitely consider a cruise in the fjords of Norway someday.

I met many interesting people on the trip, had a wonderful time with my friends and fellow travelers. We really get along well traveling! Such a blessing.

Since I have ONE MORE STATE to visit of all the 50—Hawaii—I’m thinking about my travel plans for there already! Maybe 2025 is the year to visit that state.

Forty-nine down, one to go!

I’ve got my first subbing job lined up in September, two weddings to plan for, a trip to Mexico–maybe? –to meet Rocky, my “person” and musical artist. We texted last week, and I’m excited to meet him in person. I’ve been praying for him, and God opened up a door to meet. You know I’ve been praying for influencers now for three years. God is doing amazing things in my life.

I may slip down to Dallas, Texas to visit the Institute for Creation Research museum. I’ve wanted to go there for years! I love their daily devotional, “Days of Praise.”

God is cracking open the door for interpersonal healing, too. I’m amazed at how he gently leads and works in our lives. Severed relationships are beginning to heal.


My wonderful cousin is here for a week to help celebrate my mom’s 90th birthday. Her birthday is in November, but this is fair time, great weather time, and all in all a perfect chance to celebrate my mom.

My cousin is my mental medicine, too.

I’m so blessed.

Ed loves his new job. Cheri starts classes here in a week — Friends are coming to visit all throughout September.

What a time to give praise to the God who loves us and cares for us!

I could get all poetic about it.

God is good. Jesus is coming SOON!