Choices must be made.
Today I choose to be grateful! I choose to do what I don’t want to do; exercise, listen to music, breathe in the fresh spring air, stare at the sky.
So many of us are affected by depression. The dark panic that closes in at times can be suffocating, frightening. This gray time of year is a surprise pitfall for us. The beauty and expectancy of spring is marred by lack of color and whimsical weather.
As believers in Christ we know the truth and have a foundation for blessings and praise. I can choose to praise God in my darkness.
Inevitably that will help me.
I took my B vitamins, D and C. I ate my handful of cashews.
But the road is hard! Spiritual battles are happening all around us. I am burdened with other’s burdens, not to mention the ones I’m carrying.
And yet I tell myself that God knows the end game. He isn’t going to leave me hopeless. I will adopt the attitude of gratefulness and expectancy.
I will put my trust in Him, the Ruler of Creation.
It’s the waiting game.
Pray for us who struggle with depression.
It’s all in the attitude.
And Jesus knows.
Come Lord Jesus. Come soon. We are waiting for Your glorious appearing.