I heard a speaker at our church talk about his success as a businessman. His name was Stanley Tam. He figured out a way to recycle silver from film—or something like that—and although now his tech is all but obsolete (probably) he made millions at the time.
I don’t remember much about his business, nor his testimony. I think I bought his bio at a thrift store once upon a time, but haven’t read it yet.
The thing I remember is his emphasis on daily devotions and consistent quiet time, how it will supernaturally meld to your own life and schedule, offering wisdom, encouragement, and peace for the very day. It even can portray the surroundings of the person reading the Scripture.
I’ve tested this my whole life.
I use “Daily Light on the Daily Path” because my mom and dad read that to me every morning and evening as I grew up. I still use it. I read it to my kids too.
I also have my “read through the Bible in a year” sort of thing going, but it’s taken me two years to read the Bible in Spanish. I’m just becoming more familiar with the language now, and I’m in Amos.
Reading the Bible is something I can rely on.
God is communicating with us even daily.
I realize my life has been through some hefty and deep dark turns lately. I cannot offer much encouragement to anyone, really, but as the things of this earth grow dim the promises of Scripture seem to shine more brightly.
God is still good.
I still trust Him to lead and guide me.
The way seems really hard these days, but I think there may be a little bit of light coming through a crack somewhere.
Hope. It comes from seeking His face.