Sometimes I write a particularly sensitive post—one that I don’t mind making public, but not to thousands.
Corgi Hollows has become an entity followed by several thousand people, more or less. It represents a lot of light, rightness, and devotion to God, all from an imperfect heart fraught with loss and grief.
As it has such a following I know it hits a note with fellow sufferers.
We suffer together.
In the past four years I’ve lost six persons, either to death or to relationship failure. All of these people were extremely important to me, not peripheral. They include my husband, my dad, my brother, and my daughter, also two of my closest friends.
Yes, you can feel a bit sorry for me.
This loss is not my own. My whole family has felt it and dealt with it on all sorts of levels. Life has been a constant challenge.
Some days it is enough just to breathe. There were days I couldn’t eat, just breathe.
Everyone has read self-improvement books, I think. I have thousands of books with a whole section on getting life right.
That doesn’t include the theological section.
I’ve literally read the book on self-help. I’ve heard a lot, if not all. There’s lots to admire, lots to believe will benefit. Ultimately I’ve tried multiple “systems” to improve my life. Lots to recommend, lots to learn and teach others. I believe the “system” we find in the Bible is the plumb-line of correct living. Nothing else compares.
I saw a quote attributed to Johnny Cash: If you are searching for truth all roads eventually lead to Jesus.
Well, true, because He is truth. He is love.
He defines Himself, and He defines love.
At the end of all sorrows there is truth and love.
At the end of all advice and attempts to make things right humanly speaking—-there is Jesus and truth and love.
We all benefit from staying away from alcohol, tobacco, drugs, over-eating, lust and laziness. That’s just the way it is. Sin is temporarily attractive, but it hurts in the long run.
All the self help will only give you a youthful appearance and fewer illnesses. It may add to your age, or perhaps not. We live the appointed days.
At the end of it all there is only hope and comfort in Jesus and His promises.
As it says in Ecclesiastes, everything is meaningless——
Except with Christ.
So I will end this post with an affirmation of hope in Christ. I may suffer loss in this life, and continue to do so, but I will end up with Jesus.
It is Jesus alone, the eternal monarch, lover of my soul, who matters; eyes on Him
Nothing Else.
Post script: One thing that the past two years has taught me is an interesting fact about abuse. It gets easier to handle, toughens us up, and makes us stronger. This is not a justification of abuse. It is never justified, nor ignored. Abuse is wrong on every level. I have experienced it now for two years, and I admit I can take it now much more easily than I could at first. You get used to it. God knows all about it. I am so thankful for a life that has can survive it. If something happens to me please know that I am with Jesus. I can’t wait to see His face. God is in control of the whole situation, and I am trusting Him. Because this abuse is connected to someone with severe brain damage I am trying very hard to let God deal with it, though local authorities are aware. Pray for me. Thx.