Encourage One Another

When your life hits the fan (so to speak) it becomes a real challenge to look for the silver linings in the clouds of despair.

That said, I want to focus on positive things. As you know, I pride myself in being a pessimist. Life is always marginally better than what I expect.

So what can I be encouraged about?

On the macro level I see disenchantment with the world systems. People are really questioning things after the pandemic. Many will succumb to the blood disorders that have resulted from the vax and the disease itself, but overall people are waking up to Big Pharma, the Puppet Masters, the Oligarchy and the New World Order.

Even if a few are seeing things, the scales are falling off, it is an improvement. This is good. Depopulation has always been the goal of the Luciferians. They hate life. They are selfish, prideful, hateful folks, and they serve their like-minded master. From abortion to war, Lucifer has master-minded and manipulated his cache of puppets. He plays both sides, too, double-minded, and people, who like the world in black and white, get completely taken in by the poles, never dreaming that they are virtually on the same side.

Stepping back from all of the prophetic events taking place all over the world I simply see little hope in things here below. My focus isn’t on this earth, it is on eternity.

Jesus IS coming back. Isaac Newton (the science guy) predicted Christ’s return around 2050. Can we hold out another 30 some years?

It gets rough waiting, but since I’ve been waiting close to 60 years already another 30 or so should be doable.

Life is hard. No lie.

This is the month of being thankful, though, so I will be thankful. (Sometimes your will must force your emotion to comply).

I have two sweet pups who are adoring companions. My three cats are on duty protecting the house from small intruders. When Topi (the black one) deigns to snuggle with me my heart is full.

The colors of the land outside are a privilege for me to see every single day. I am blessed to live in this beautiful spot in the country. America is beautiful, God’s earth is beautiful. I get to feast my eyes and senses on His creation and His provision. America has been good to me.

Tomorrow is election day. I’ll vote against the oligarchy, against socialism, against any known link to the New World Order/Globalism. I have the liberty to vote that way. Will the vote be counted? After the last election I am hugely skeptical, but God’s in charge anyway. Kudos to the ballot box watchers and those willing to blow the whistle on the unscrupulous globalists who seek to destroy our nation.

I was an election judge a few years back. It seemed above-board at the time. Things change, though.

Fake people, computer entities, scams, are everywhere. What can one do? I pray. I witness. I hope for the best, and to reach hearts that are buried in the deceptions. I want people to wake up to the real agenda that the devil has been trying to implement since he fell from God’s side millennia ago.

Beast system is about to commence.

Acknowledging that we can quietly walk our own path which leads to eternal truth, we can persist.

We should certainly expect harsh criticism, pain, suffering, persecution, and perhaps death. When you take a stand against both earthly and spiritual power you welcome those things. Even your friends and family will think you’re nuts.

I remember writing something edgy on my blog a few years ago and someone I knew begged me to take it down.

I didn’t. Sometimes you simply have to stand up for what you believe in.

This is the information age, but unless you have a Biblical-oriented compass or plumb-line you will certainly be adrift in this age of disinformation.

Truth is God’s truth.

Back to blessings and thankfulness: I am thankful!

I am thankful for Chris Pinto and all of his research. Get his materials and spend a week taking it all in.

His stuff has been out for 10 years and it is only more relevant today than it was then.

Get “Game of Gods” by Carl Teichrib. It will open your eyes.

Too many preachers today have worn their voices out screaming about these NWO events for the past 20 years. Eyes can only be opened spiritually. Quietly disclose information and the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to those who are willing to see.

I haven’t written about the deep things for quite some time. Lack of sleep and other difficult matters have sucked the passion out of me. It’s election day tomorrow, though, and we Americans must rally ourselves from lethargy and attempt to do the right thing, the hard thing.

I really don’t like doing life without a partner, spouse, husband. One is so vulnerable alone. The Bible says that a cord of three strands isn’t easily broken. That was the theme of our wedding—husband, wife, and Christ.

Standing with Christ is enough, but the truth remains. IF you have three strands you have a pretty strong alliance. Cherish your marriage. Cherish your spouse.

Life is infinitely worse without that person, no matter how irritating they can be 🙂

Humans are so amazing, complex, interesting.

I have lived long. I have seen much. I have been through deep waters of poverty, wealth, children, grandchildren, loss, disease, pain, and suffering. Each of these things I’ve uniquely experienced, and I know my Redeemer lives.

I am seeking blessings right now. I think I’ll pray the prayer of Jabez this week. God may answer “yes.”

No is also an answer.

That was my Monday morning ramble, an attempt to rally the troops for the election, count my blessings, and hope for the week.

I’m off to get some grass-fed beef from cattle raised by my cousins up north.



Post Script: Today I am planning to touch base with my graduate school. I took the semester off, and my last two semesters were really a “wash.” I want to finish my degree, but the snags of life sabotaged my studies. I need to chat with my admin.

I am going to a wedding this week, and I’m singing at it. Pray for me to sing beautifully so the bride and groom are blessed.

I will be subbing, doing CrossFit, swimming, and learning Chinese all week, too. That is the plan. I can now lift my dad in his bed, so my muscle strength has been completely improved. I can lift 75 pounds pretty easily now. My sweet manager at the hotel told me I could have time off, work whenever I want, and generally just be happy. #blessed

These are my puzzles, as I care for my dad at night. I am thankful for the weekend professional caregiver that comes to relieve me. So thankful. I’m thankful for my brother who has committed to traveling from NY City regularly to help us. I am thankful.

I could tell that my Chinese hit a new level this week. When you learn a language that is always exciting. Tai Hao Le! (Pinying)

Pray for me to be a witness to several contacts I have on Google Chat. They are real people, but there seems to be a lot of deception, too. I’m there to be light. Pray for eyes to be opened to truth of Scripture, truth of God’s way.