Faith, Purpose, Service

It was in the fall of 2022 that I got to a church service/event for those grieving, invited by my friend, in the wake of my dad’s passing. Of course, I was also grieving my husband’s unexpected death, my brother and sister-in-law’s tragic death, my family disunity, and the many pressing issues that I was seeking to navigate at that time.

The service was meaningful. I was so stiff with grief, but something opened in me that night and I cried. There was an offer of prayer for individuals at the service, and I went to the person who was praying.

Her prayer for me was sweet and comforting, but the words I remembered her praying over me were “love, beauty, and peace.” Striking words for one who is grieving.

I let those words swirl in my mind and decided to pray them as blessings for my new year, 2023.

So began a journey.

That year I was always piqued to see where those words showed up in my life. It became a real blessing. I looked for beauty. I found it so many places, and I saw it as a blessing and gift from God.

I sought peace and found it, as I faced my trials and tribulations of doing life alone.

I saw love in my life, whether it was from a pet, one of my children, a friend, or God. I remembered the love I had experienced. Love was a hard one. When you are lonely for your mate you feel the absence of it. That becomes the prevailing outlook. Love was a bit of a challenge to see that year.

I chose three words for 2024: Balance, Boundaries, and Health. That’s a whole blog post, perhaps, again, as I look back at the year from January. I need to scroll down to see where these words appeared last year. More later?

But for 2025 I’ve settled on service, purpose, and faith.

It’s the end of January, and I am looking for these words and ideas of them. I find them constantly. I want purpose, I want to be of more service, and I want my faith to grow. I may be old, but there is still time to see these things in my daily life.

Walking with Jesus is a journey, an adventure, an opportunity.

So, today I will see my purpose. I hope to be of service, and I want to spend time with my Lord.

Faith, Service, Purpose.