Fika on the Stuga

I’m sitting on the porch this morning and reflecting on the past weeks of activity. My fall calendar is taking shape, and I’m figuring out what to say no to, what to commit to, what the things are that must be worked in.

The coffee is from my thrift store nespresso machine, the cardamom roll is from the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis. It’s a little stale, but delicious. I feel so pampered and Scandinavian today!

Do you want to hear about the fun days just lived?

Let me start with the arrival of my cousin and close friend, S—. She is my tonic, always making me laugh and game to try anything. Mischief is part of the experience every time we’re together.

We conquered the Minnesota State Fair TWO days, she with her recent knee replacement, even. Extreme heat and even a storm, as well.

We visited the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum with my mom, who has been a member there as long as I can remember. We got First Kiss apples at the University of Minnesota Arboretum apple house. Each apple is a work of art. Still life artists would swoon at these apples.

We went to the Karin Larsson exhibit at the American Swedish Institute. This is a sweet story about the life of an influential woman, both in the arts and in lifestyle. I am so glad that the ASI did this exhibit.

The reason for my cousin’s timing of this visit was, of course, the fair (only 12 days in late summer) but also for a celebration.

My mom is 90 years old now, and we decided to celebrate that during these halcyon days of late summer.

Our Minnesota weddings and funerals held October to May can be risks in and of themselves. Weather is always a factor. This was a birthday, so we could celebrate when we wanted!

Such a perfect party, really. All the right people showed up, the cake was delicious (thanks, Costco!) and the temperatures were perfect, both coffee and outside 😉

We sat on the porch and the little ones (my four grandchildren) ran around outside with Margaret’s two Chesapeake Labs. Yuki and Corwyn stayed home. They watched through the front bay window.

It was an idyllic family gathering, also with some of my mom’s close friends.

Last night mom got word that one of her closest friends passed away. She has been to so many funerals of late. That happens when you are 90.

She is in good spirits, getting around to her various appointments and commitments. I have so much to be grateful for, and I’m always delighted to see how much she enjoys her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

I brought my cousin to the airport on Tuesday, and felt depressed that whole day. She lives in Arizona, so I will try to find a sweet airfare deal to get some vitamin D with her during this school year. I am pretty good at finding flying bargain rates—rarely paying more than $100 round trip!

It can be a blessing to live in a “snowbird” state.

I miss her already.

To alleviate those blues Cheri and I went with my beautiful niece up to see Minnesota blue—the greatest lake, Superior, on Wednesday.

Gitcheegoomee did not disappoint. The waves were crashing in, so no swimming, but the beach was inspiring and the gray sky turned to light blue as we watched. The colors of the water were deepest teals and blues. Seagulls and small sand birds kept us company.

Rolling waves with white foam streaked the surface. I can watch this scene for hours.

We stopped at a few shops, got a delicious bagel with smoked salmon at the Northwest Smoke House on Canal Park. (I recommend!)

Home again that evening, a little bit blue still, but needing a time to recover here at Corgi Hollows.

I have lots of leftover berries from the party to process. I want to make frozen jam and a triple berry pie.

Two of our vehicles needed major repair over the past few days, too. A brake job on the old Ford truck, and new struts on the Ford sedan. Something went awry on the shock absorbers as well.

Cheri starts school at the University of Minnesota Tuesday, so a trusty vehicle is a must. She is a commuter, so the money we would have spent on a dorm is spent on keeping the car working.

We’ve discovered that having a spare vehicle (even old!) is a must when all your vehicles are old. Options. It was nice to have it for a missionary friend to use this summer, too.

There have been storms and rain, but also sunny hours. This has been a wet summer.

I found out that my basement contractors will come in October. They have been overly busy, too. Perhaps I can start to get things back in order downstairs by the new year.

Today I will drink coffee on my stuga, listen to the cranes and birds, squirrel chatter, and of course my precious blue jays. They are always discussing the upcoming cold weather.

I work at the hotel this weekend, but Hitchville is also playing at Lake Minnetonka on Sunday. This will be a nice Labor Day weekend, I believe.

God is good. He is gentle and merciful. He gives and protects, blesses us and helps. I know that I disappoint, but grace covers me!

What a wonderful thing.

As we seek to live lives that are pleasing to God we know that He loves us. Love covers a multitude of sins. I am seeing restoration and repair in the broken aspects of my relationships. I know He is answering prayer.

I have been blessed with a beautiful “wrap-up” of my summer. I have a few days for subbing already booked and I actually look forward to seeing “my kids” again!

Yesterday I was mailing a package to Korea at the post office and the young man helping me there shyly mentioned that he knew me—-He’d graduated back in 2021, but he remembered me. Sweet. I love seeing these wonderful young people!

Impact. Hopefully always light and truth.

Our time is short here on earth. Eternity is long.

Are you praying?

Jesus, come quickly! MARANATHA!