Gorgeous Summer Shaping Up

The weather is perfect: cool, breezy, sunny, green warmth. Not sizzling hot, but Minnesota perfect.

Next week Cherie and I have tickets for a concert in Uptown and a tour in south Minneapolis. Two evening events. I’m excited for both of them. Always enjoy seeing my fellow fans at the concerts of Asian pop groups.

My son Jim and his wife came over with my grandson on Sunday. We were privileged to have one of my Chinese students also with us—touring the Landscape Arboretum and the Chinese and Japanese gardens in particular.

Sunday was quite the day! Precious worship times, interesting sermons (I got to hear two ;)) and sweet fellowship. Aforementioned garden visits. The hybrid rose garden was also in full glory. I had to recover from all the activity on Monday!

This week I’m trying to paint the infamous bathroom downstairs. As I age my eyesight isn’t what it was, and it’s hard to do the same degree of painting that I did when I was younger.

Excited to get the basement back in order before I leave on the cruise to Alaska in August. I still would like to visit the last two states I haven’t been to in the 50 United States: Alaska and Hawaii.

Alaska in August—perhaps Hawaii this winter?

When Joe and his wife moved out to Washington state I was able to tick off Idaho, Montana, Washington, and Oregon. I loved taking Amtrak out there on the James J Hill line.

Our trip to see our daughter Margaret in New Hampshire got me to Maine, but that trip ended tragically.

Since I lived down south I’ve visited all the southern states. I’ve also been out west several times. Colorado—-how I love you! I’ve climbed your highest peak–Mt. Elbert!

God has allowed me a full life. I am grateful.

Today I count my blessings. I have had a few disappointments lately, but God is still good. Look at how HE has blessed me!

I have a goal this summer of “doing art” every single day. So far goals have been met! Whether it is a quick drawing, making a blanket, a sweater or just a dish rag—sitting at the piano and playing through Handel’s Water Music or something else beautiful—

There is an art show at my church in September. I want to get my acrylics out again after quite sometime. There is a theme from the book of Jeremiah. I am excited to get my thoughts out about it. I may use my largest canvas! It’s been waiting for something like this.

Painting skills will have waned, but that is aging. It can be more impressionistic. Realism has always been my forte. This will be an experiment.

Beautiful summer. Thank you God!

Tastes of heaven to come…