Quiet Days

We’ve had some bitterly cold days here, and I go to sleep at night praying that the furnace and the power function alright. When it’s way below zero you know that the pipes and the mechanics of everything are vulnerable to the weather. I know the rest of the country is experiencing unprecedented temps too, and for them it is truly a threat. They are not prepared for this like we Minnesotans are.

I have chosen to keep the fireplaces burning, lifting the burden of heating the house entirely by the furnace. It has been a good and cozy option, and one that we can be blessed with.

The truck started each time we wanted to go out, even to church on Sunday, in -25.


With this new format (it really is a blessing to have a computer engineer in the family) there will be gradual changes from “blogger.”

Ed is figuring out how to manage several different aspects of this new format.

I am not going to have a “subscriber” option, so please feel free to check about once a week (or more if you’re willing) for new thoughts and articles or links I’ve posted. I will probably share a link on social media if there is new material. We will see how this goes.

Thank you to my loyal readers! I know you are praying and keeping us at Corgi Hollows in your thoughts.

Thank you for making the switch with me.

A New Place

In light of the recent discrimination of Conservative pundits on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube, we have decided to relocate from Google owned Blogger to a personal website, corgihollows.org!

You will find the same content in more or less the same format as before. We might begin porting major old posts as well.

Here’s hoping for a blessed 2021 Anno Domini.


Monday Truths (February 15)

 Having been a “prophecy watcher” for so long (decades) I am fascinated by the recent developments in our world. 

Since I’ve been dealing with some personal crisis these past few weeks I’ve not had the mental room to “blog” as usual. 

My brain has been percolating, though, as we watch the desire for global power among the elites tighten around our collective necks. 

Chairman Joe is a puppet. I saw Jan Markell’s interview this past weekend that mentioned an observer’s opinion about Biden. This journalist had watched Biden for decades. He stated that Biden is functioning at about 50% capacity. 

That’s really something. 

The leader of the “free world” has cognitive decline. 

A pawn is controlled by the Luciferian mind that really rules. 

People tend to forget Christ’s admonition that there are two sides, two realms: God’s, and other. 

The world is ruled by the “other.” 

The devil is the prince and power of the air. He has jurisdiction over the world, as was demonstrated by Christ’s encounter with him after his 40 days long fast. 

WE are all born sinners. WE all need to be born again. If we are not born again we are lost eternally. 

Hell is real. It was created for Satan, (the devil) and his entourage, but anyone who is not born of the spirit, born again, is lost, and will be cast into the lake of fire (hell) with the evil ones. 

This is Biblical. This is Biblical truth. You cannot get around it. 

It’s up to you to repent and turn to Christ. In whatever language you speak, God understands your plea to be born again, born of the Spirit. I urge you to cry out to God in humility and repentance. He will not turn you away! 

In these last days (and I believe we are in the last days!) there will be many false Christs, many wolves in sheep’s clothing. There will be those claiming to be prophecying in the spirit, those who deviate from the Word of God by tiny degrees. 

Think geometry: when you deviate even slightly you do not reach the straight and true. 

God says the way is narrow, and few find it. 

Weepy sad face. 

But truth. 

Are you on the narrow way? Are you spending time each day in the Word of God, practicing its commands? Are you applying the Word to your life? Are the principles of Scripture becoming ingrained in your soul? 

Are you walking toward Christ? 

It may be that you have been deceived by someone you have loved, a spouse, a child, a friend. You trusted that person completely, having no knowledge of their subterfuge. It happens all the time. 

Thank God when the truth prevails! 

What do you do with the truth, then? 

You repent of your own sin, you shore up in the Word of God, and you place boundaries that protect you from further lies. You forgive, you “will” to forgive those that have deceived you. You do this to prevent a root of bitterness in your own heart. 

It seems that the devil is working overtime lately, luring you and your loved ones away from Christ and His truth. I have been the victim of his fiery darts lately, and I’ve taken refuge in God’s promises from Scripture. The Lord gives the most comfort in time like these. 

Today there is no school for me, President’s Day. Perhaps Ed will help me get the other site up later today. Since I have never been technical I rely on my “staff” of computer whizzes around the house to help me with this blog. 

I am SO SICK of my own classes. I actually only have one this semester (on finance and fundraising!) and I’m struggling with concentration as I read my textbooks and do my assignments. When the world is falling down around you a dry textbook is hardly compelling. 

I still believe there was an unconstitutional amount of election fraud in the US election last November. I look forward to Sidney Powell’s cases being presented in court this week. 

Oh, I bet you hadn’t even heard about that, right? Jk

I expect my readers to be more informed than the average brain-washed media watcher. 

My husband used to say “Everything the media says is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.'”

Yup. How I miss his pithy and wise remarks! We were such a team. 

I have seen God become my sole provider these past months, I rejoice that Brian is in absolute joy with our Savior right now. Things down here are pretty discouraging, aren’t they ???

My heart grieves when I see someone getting the experimental genetic modification offered these days. It shocks me that people are so frightened about a manufactured virus. 

Don’t people trust God anymore? 

OUR DAYS HAVE BEEN NUMBERED BY GOD! Nothing can shorten or lengthen you days. God appointed them. 

A vaccine cannot shorten or lengthen your days. A virus cannot shorten, nor lengthen your days. 

I apply the “tattoo principle” with this; in the Old Testament there is a clear verse about tattoos. Read it sometime. Just use a concordance. You can explain this verse a million ways, but on its face it is a clear command. Why not obey it? Is there a benefit? 

Jonathon Edwards died from the complications of a vaccination. They have never been truly “safe.” Perhaps (perhaps not!) they eradicated polio and other germs. Perhaps those germs mutated on their own, out of dangerous composition. We may never know. 

This current injection is not a vaccine in the sense of a traditional vaccine, however. It is a genetic modifier. It writes a new protein into your body’s cell structure. 

Didn’t you know that? It’s all over the internet. Research.

Why play the globalist game? 

Why be a guinea pig? 

Why purposefully and willfully put your life in danger by modifying your genetic make-up with an mRNA protein piece? Please do some research. DON’T listen to the liars in the media. 

Sadly, there is a generation who is so queued into watching television and they are of the age where their time is taken up (hours and hours each day or evening) watching the programming. The programming is ALL globalist propaganda. I weep for that generation. I weep for the generation that is programmed by their tech media, too. It’s so compelling. 

I fight the addiction to tech as much as the next person. It’s alluring. It’s convenient. It’s easy. 

Go outside! Look at the stars! Find Orion, the Pleiades, the Big Dipper! Stare at the clouds or the blue sky. Breathe in the air that God provided for your lungs. You don’t need to wear a mask. You need to take in God’s gift to you: air—-life. 

Why are you downcast, Oh my soul? Hope in God! 

We are turning to our blessed hope, the imminent rapture of Church, the true bride of Christ. It could be soon. 

Perhaps today?