I have not been watching the news. It’s so depressing. I heard about the tanker that blocked the Suez canal. I hear about vaccine ids. I read about the reactions to vaccines.
For the most part I look out the window at the sun in the morning and immerse myself in the Scriptures and the fellowship of like-minded believers.
It takes courage to buck the world, but the joy in Jesus is worth it all.
I know that the divisions of this past year—-the scourge and politics— impacted all of us, some more than others.
I’m trying to see this in a positive light. Learn from my wrenching experience.
I have had the leitmotif of grief and loss overarching politics and the scourge. It gives perspective.
I do think you are absolutely crazy if you think mRNA is going to solve your problems. I think you have a death wish. Really. That is your decision, but I think you are nuts.
I will love you anyway.
I think you are absolutely out of your mind to like a president who has dementia. I think you are crazy to love socialism or communism. I think you have lost your marbles if you justify abortion in any way. (Even in vaccines)
I think you are out of it.
There’s the definition. We are not on the same page when you have submitted to the globalist agenda of being vaccinated.
We’re not in Kansas anymore. The elites have been tightening the noose gradually and indoctrinating the masses of sheep via the media, and too many people (that I know personally!) have bowed to the god of this world.
Thankfully my parents and my kids are still holding to a higher power.
Our days our numbered by God alone. Not a vaccine, not a disease, not war or crime. God alone.
Too many have lost that truth in their lives. Those who chose to bow to the elites and their agenda may have a reckoning of sorts. Jesus said, “Do not tempt the Lord Thy God.”
We all can make stupid decisions.
Better to trust the God who made our DNA, our genetic make-up.
I have seen the damage. I have also seen medical successes.
The trials for the current “vaccines” are over in January 2023. You are now an official experiment if you have been “vaccinated.” This mRNA injection is not a vaccine, per se, it is a nanoparticle containing messenger RNA to rewrite pathogens from your cells.
Just do a gnat’s eyelash of research.
I guess too many people are JUST LAZY.
It IS easier to turn on the news and listen to the Spiel. Indoctrination is powerful.
The division that is happening is about to get Biblical: Wheat from Tares, Goats from Sheep, Good Seed from Bad.
Hunker down, fellow believers. Jesus will see us through this.
You don’t need a vaccine. Your immune system + ivermectin, or other prophylactics will do JUST FINE.
I had the scourge in March of 2020. I got my sense of smell back in September. I take Ivermectin every time I get a slight cough now. My immune system is handling the scourge pretty well.
My aged parents are also doing well minus any outside help.
I lived and worked in the petri dish of humanity, doing stranger’s laundry at the hotel—cleaning, etc. My immune system (with Jesus) has been enough.
I’m truly sorry for you if you have had the jab. I don’t relate to you on a deep level anymore because I know you have bowed to the gods of this world.
More division. More loss.
Those who are awake knew this was coming. It’s still heartbreaking to see it happen.
I think there are many people still clinging to this life more than the one to come.
For me, no compromise.
Although I’ve paid attention to your blog for years, it particularly hurt me today to read. I’ve just had to make the hard decision to terminate an etopic pregnancy, which was much wanted. I had to have an abortion, or I would have died and orphaned my children trying to continue an unviable pregnancy. Likely, this pregnancy has damaged my body and I’ll never be able to have another child. You think I’ve “lost my marbles” deciding to terminate my unviable pregnancy. It was the worst month of my life, and rereading your blog today reminded me how harshly you’ve judged me for having to make this choice. You think I’m crazy for allowing doctors to intervene and not letting myself die. I perhaps would have harshly judged someone for having an abortion before this too. Now, I realize a lot of people’s choices don’t make sense unless you actually know all the context. I’ll probably also have a vaccine to protect my husband with Lupus from dying from COVID, like grandparents we lost this year. Losing my baby showed me how much I’m willing to sacrifice to keep parents alive in our family, for our children. Sorry it’s made you think I’m insane. I will never read your blog again.