
I had such a great day yesterday. My dear friends visited, I got back to swimming after a hiatus.

Did some Christmas shopping.

The sky was gorgeous despite blustery winds and cold temperatures. A gray cloud of wisp parted to reveal light blue skies, a sliver of moon and a bright planet! All near a sun-brightened cloud of late afternoon. Maybe you saw that beauty too.

I’m feeling so much better.

These nagging colds are almost over (I think) and my pain is lessening with purposeful remedies. Thankful.

Today I was back in school, teaching agriculture to the middle school kids. All good. Tomorrow it will be third grade.

There have been some truly disheartening circumstances lately with teaching, some students that have behavior issues that spilled over into my own sphere. I must continually place it in God’s hands. It is a puzzle that I haven’t solved yet.

It makes me grateful for all the years that no one seemed to notice me at all, not care, nor pay attention to anything about me. Having bad attention isn’t easy. I’m not used to it. I prefer the quiet of my fortress.

I like quietly just doing the right thing. That’s my style. I never expected accusations nor falsehoods to affect me. Teachers must be ready to face everything, though. Kids can be unbelievably cruel.

It is always a puzzle to me that students behave when there is no real power to enforce that behavior. Punishment is slow and respect is only shown by about half of the students. Kids have power that they’ve never had in ages past. They can easily ruin someone’s life. Believe me.

There are issues in public education. I know.

Today I told the classes that there would be a “good” list. If a student followed directions the entire period their name would go on the good list. Less than half of each class got their names on the list. That is sad.

The teacher can deal with the fallout tomorrow.

So is my life as a substitute. These days practically anyone can be a substitute teacher. I wonder how many can truly handle all the hard stuff, though.

I do get a kick out of sharing knowledge. I always learn something new each time I sub.

That’s my payback.

Of course I ‘m happy to be paying the bills, too.

I’m grateful. I still need prayer, but I am grateful.

God is good.

Jesus is coming soon!