The Simple Life

…doesn’t exist…in my opinion.

Today I drank coffee with Cheri facing the sunrise, outside by the kitchen garden on our little rocking bench that needed work this summer: the fabric failed, so Cheri found an old piece of lumber to place on it so we could still sit and rock occasionally.

Nothing is simple. Stuff breaks too often!

I’ve written over and over about how spoiled I was as a wife. Brian fixed anything and everything. He was a genius capable of that. No job was too difficult, but time was always a factor. Poor guy! Living here on this farm since his passing has revealed all of his “unseen” chores. I hope God is letting him know how appreciated he was!

Car care, wood pile maintenance, yard stuff, keeping the nuts and bolts of the house working seamlessly—(Not for the faint of heart, here in the country!) Snow removal —!

He took care of the bills, the finances, the nitty-gritty.

When the plumbing failed he figured it out.

He always saved us $$$ with house repair and new projects.

Husbands are wonderful. Appreciate yours, if God has allowed you to have one. Just being able to discuss things with a partner is such a blessing.


But we drank our coffee facing the sun and the morning was lovely. It’s September. What more can I say? Minnesota September can be paradise.

Do they have a study on how people are affected by facing the sunrise versus the sunset in an apartment? I think seeing the sunrise is a must for the day.

Of course in the winter months I’m at school already, usually. It becomes a luxury then.

Tomorrow I am back in the saddle at school. Fifth grade math tomorrow. I had that weird sickness and I’m still taking my horse paste ivermectin to medicate and fight it. I think a week of sunshine, walks with the dogs, and rest was helpful.

I saw an interesting video about nanostructures last night. There is a study in Korea and Japan that was published/peer reviewed about how people with moderna and pfizer options may be experiencing some form of tiny structure formulating in their cells now. It’s worth looking at. A scientist from England was presenting the study on a video. Again, I say, worth looking into. (If you still can)

A friend has cancer. It has metastasized. I don’t know how long she has, what her thoughts are. I think she has put it in God’s hands.

I just found out this week and I’ve been grieving for her.

If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Job 14:14

Yes, God has appointed our days, our time here. Some may not be willing to accept that truth, and it may be a hard truth for those of us who have lost. It is a Biblical truth, however, and it can be weirdly comforting.

Nothing can “kill” you with out God’s permission. You will not live a day longer nor a day less without His appointment. Suicide may be a self-driven decision, but God in His infinite power did not stand aside powerless. God knows.

This is a fallen world with much suffering. I believe Jesus truly grieves at our pain. Cancer is, perhaps, one of the most blatant indications of a fallen creation.

Because of its increase and its persistence worldwide I think it indicates Christ is coming back soon. I know there are theories out there that curing cancer would be taking away a milk cow for the pharmaceutical companies, that there are multiple ways to cure cancer that God has given in modifying diet, herbs, lifestyle, etc.

I am a watcher.

But ultimately God is in control of our days, and those of us who know this can stand confidently each day that we are given, resting in the assurance of His sovereign will over all of creation. His plan still holds, even as we go about our daily stewardship of living life wherever He placed us on this earth.

So, today I will be a good steward and go to the YMCA at Ridgedale, swim for an hour, lift some weights, hit a racket ball, walk the dogs in the hay field.

I sat and got some vitamin D with Cheri, but if the sunshine holds today I should get a bit more.

Read “Five Loaves and Two Bowls of Borscht” by Janice Lemke.

One thing that I remember from that book is the Ukrainian women sunbathing practically religiously all summer. Storing up sunshine for winter….

That thought stayed with me.

One of our oncology nurses once mentioned that coffee is the USA’s number one antioxidant.

Drinking coffee in the sun is really a cancer fighter. We can rest in God’s wondrous healing hand, too. Each of our cells is His, the body is His temple.

His timing, His healing, His hand—when we have given our lives to Him.

Peaceful rest, stillness, awareness that His will WILL BE DONE. The simple life.


Consider praying for LAY, a huge influencer in Asia. Listen to his lyrics, notice his symbolism. Such a pretty song—and truths, too. Just add his name to your prayers for salvation.