Tough Year

It’s a political year, an Olympic year, a “last days” year…

It’s a year to cull out the people that drag you down, that have chosen a different path to tread.

I’ve written about this before, but these thoughts are still with me: it’s okay to move on!

Some of us have the personality that clings to people, each encounter with another human. If it doesn’t end in warm fuzzies we feel defeat and even guilt. We want everyone to love everyone.

As believers we strive to love—–everyone. Jesus told us to love our enemies.

That’s hard.

What does that look like, increasingly, in this world of 8 billion humans?

Lots of prayer.

Go ahead and let people go, but follow them with your prayers.

As people began to mock and deride me for my beliefs last election year I was stunned. When Brian died I shut down, a natural breaking point occurred. The dross in my life was skimmed off, and I was freer, let loose from the chains of bad relationships.

I kept the gold, the silver. I pray for those I “lost.”

God filled up my life with more gold.

Let go of the weights that press on you. Soar with the Holy Spirit and His breathtaking power in prayer.

God answers prayer. Jesus is coming soon. See the signs.