I’m back from Pennsylvania.
I spent the week, a very full week, at a conference. It was at White Sulphur Springs, an Officer’s Christian Fellowship facility located in the beautiful hills of western Pennsylvania.
My friends and I drove my new Silverado out there, with Wi-Fi, riding high! It was a fun trip and the truck handled everything well. My truck seats six, so it was roomy and comfortable, with plenty of room for luggage, computers, books and what-not in the bed. The mountain roads were no problem. (I love looking at mountains, climbing them on foot. I dislike driving in them.)
I got to check a few things off of my bucket list, most notably “Falling Water,” a spectacular home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright near Mill Run, PA. My friends and I were able to see only the outside (indoor tours are booked 3 months out) but that was completely fine with us, as the outside tour (self-guided) was entirely satisfactory.
I did not admire FLW as a person, but we all must admit he was a genius artist. I love his style. I am so glad I got to see this home.
Also during the week we made a trip to the Flight 93 Memorial near Shanksville, PA. In my current state of sorrow I could hardly bear seeing this sad site. It is very moving. That day in September, 2001, is a horribly sad pivotal point when all of us saw our lives change, and 3,000 souls went to their eternal destiny.
Do you have your eternal destiny decided? Ask Jesus to save you from your sins today.
The memorial site is really beautiful.
I have been to all sites where the 9/11 planes hit, now.
White Sulphur Springs is just a wonderful place! Peaceful, restful, gorgeous, sweet—I wish that Brian and I had made time to appreciate this OCF facility together. He would have loved it.
The conference that I attended was completely inspiring. We had reports of God’s work around the whole world, what He is doing in different countries and the USA, especially in the military community. WOW!!!!!
God is on the move.
I met fascinating people, we all bonded deeply! It was an older crowd, full of life experience and hope for the future of the ministry. I got so much dear and wise advice from those who had had similar life experiences to me.
I had planned to go on this trip for a couple of months, but the morning we were to leave I had my usual “cold feet” and wanted to stay home. I am glad I got in the truck and went. I was truly helped and inspired by this past week’s activity. I want to believe that this week was a turning point for me in my life journey.
I met some people who absolutely love the Chinese people. As I’d already determined to learn Chinese, I was linked up with them, and I’m interested in how this will play out in the future. I’m just an “old grandma” but I don’t need to be put out to pasture yet.
With my class on Southeast Asia at my university and my Chinese studies I am discovering a WHOLE NEW WORLD.
Never say never, because I said I’d never go to East Asia. Now I have connections all over Asia. God has a sense of humor. A trip with my professor is in the works right now. I’m looking forward to it.
And again, NEVER say never!
In the meantime I am brushing up on my Spanish and Turkish. I’m setting aside Greek and Hebrew for now. I spoke German last week with the Deutsche Sprecheren—-there were several German speakers at the conference.
I met the most beautiful woman who prayed with me, told me her incredible but inspiring story, dressed me up in gorgeous sari, and gifted me with her friendship and a sari! We are sisters now.
I just love international gatherings!
On our way home our schedule (determined by God) brought us to a memorial service for the mother of my sister-in-law. Since the service was near the Wheaton College campus my friends were able to go to the Billy Graham Center and visit the museum there while I attended the service. That turned out to be a real blessing for them.
I got to see family, too. Loss continues to bring us closer.
I came home to a colorful world at Corgi Hollows. Yukichan grew significantly in the week I was gone. She is much taller now! Ed and Cheri are overjoyed to hand the puppy training responsibility back to me. She really is a great little pup, so smart. I’m bad at training, though, and she does tend to jump up on you. I need to be consistent in holding her down gently and quietly.
The trees are still beautiful, and we haven’t had frost yet (in Mid October!!!) so I’ve let the house plants stay outside. I guess this week I will move them indoors—my aloes and my geraniums—so I have healthy plant air filtration all winter long.
It’s midterms this week. I have two big papers to write, due on Thursday. Please don’t try to contact me, as I have so much to do!
I am “routining” (the verbing of America continues) and getting back to my new normal: swimming, studying, doing laundry, cleaning, fasting, taking care of business. I will try to sub a few times this week as well. I’m taking this month off from the hotel as we have TWO weddings to attend (and be a part of the planning and execution of ) this October!
Of concern: Ed must take the va**ine this week. He cannot be a student at the U if he doesn’t. The hospital that saved his life four times already will be administering this shot, so I am hopeful that anaphylaxis will not be deadly this time around, either. Pray with me?
As you know I have been highly suspicious of the effect of va**cinations on my family. Neurological disorders abound in this family, and we are all fully va**inated. I have been wondering about the evidence for quite some time, way before this current debacle with the global elites and Covid-19. This entire farce is playing out before our eyes.
Also of real concern is the role of an aborted child in the manufacturing of these things. I was not aware of this until relatively recently. As believers we are truly challenged.
WE are in God’s hands, and our days are numbered by HIM. THIS IS A DAILY REMINDER!
These mandates are truly irritating, especially when this shot hasn’t even met minimal FDA standards. Why can’t we be free? Why can’t we choose for ourselves? Why can’t we maintain basic human rights? Why are we shunned/shunning? Civil Society has some deep ethical issues to sort out and address. The elites seem to be able to brainwash a huge part of our country, so I’m glad for the large percentage of questioners.
Big Pharma WINS AGAIN! And the Sheeple just line up for slaughter.
I keep the reminder that nothing can kill before God’s appointment, nothing can keep you alive after God’s appointment. Our days are His. Period. We rest in this assurance of His control.
Also this week our friend Billy Crohn, from the Red River Bible Prophecy Conference (up in Moorhead, MN) will be back in Minneapolis for an event. I hope to attend. I’d like to see him again. He will be talking about artificial intelligence.
You do know that the elites are fascinated by AI, intending to prolong the human race with this technology. It is a tower of Babel, really, as God is the determiner of the human genome, not man.
Again, read “Genetic Entropy” or at least watch this clip: https://youtu.be/pJ-4umGkgos
You will be encouraged IF YOU ARE A BELIEVER. You’ll be horrified if you don’t know Jesus as your personal savior.
It’s time to choose life. It is time to choose CHRIST JESUS.
I’m turning the corner and going forward full speed toward His Rapture. He is coming soon.
How long, Oh Lord?
Even so come quickly.