Wish it Were True

There are so many things that I think I know better than God. Things I wish were true, but aren’t.

But if they were true I would be God. Or, at least I would have created a god in my own image.

I wish it were true that everyone went to heaven.

I wish it were true that there wasn’t a hell.

I wish it were true that people just could love each other, accept each other, be kind to each other.

I wish there were no war.

I wish there was peace.

I wish that no one would get sick. I wish that no one would be weak. I wish that there would be no unwanted humans in the world, no racism, no abortion, no selfishness, no stealing, no bad words, no pain, no…..

What an amazing god I’d be. I’d want a bunch of robots who adored me all the time.


The truth is that there is sin and sadness, sickness, death, hatred, pride, and pain. The truth is that abortion is allowed in Minnesota up until birth of a baby. I have heard of cases where a baby is killed after birth. I’ve heard. Just saying.


Look it up. The law passed a couple of years ago. Walz signed it.

I wish it were not true, but it is.

When that law passed I thought of how God was going to punish this wickedness for this beautiful state.

He sees. He knows. It’s His creation, and he is just. He will judge.

The late Francis Schaeffer wisely called abortion a “watershed issue.”

If you value life you will be anti-abortion. If you value selfish pursuit you will be pro-abortion. (What is in the interest of the mother/child/father/family…)

God chooses to bring humans into this world, this beautiful world. Life is always a gift. Existence is a blessing.

Why did He hate the worship of Baal/Baphomet so much? It was because of the sacrifice of human life. WE are not animals. We are made in His image.

I believe that the first sacrifice of a lamb to cover Adam’s nakedness was a ritual of deep sorrow for God. Sacrifice is a horrible picture to illustrate the severity of sin.

God loves those animals, too.

Witchcraft sacrifices life. Abortion sacrifices life. War sacrifices life. Anywhere there is sacrifice of life it is the result of SIN.

God defines Himself. Our wishes are not the truth about God. He WILL judge.

God defines Himself as love. What kind of love?

An eternal love. A just love. An amazing love, merciful, gracious, kind, and wonderful.

Are you following God? Not the one in your imagination, but the God of creation, the God of the Holy Bible?

Yes, Christianity started in the garden of Eden with the presence of the LORD. The story is all there.

Read it. Believe.

Find the TRUTH.

Jesus said “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by me. “

Read it and get right with God, the One True God.

See you in eternity!